Learn the history of Reo trucks through over 130 photographs with detailed historical captions. Reo's legendary Speed Wagon led the way with shaft-drive, pneumatic tires, electric starters, and electric lights. You'll find out about the history of the company entertwined with the history of the trucks. By July 1925, Reo Speed Wagon sales, since its introduction, had exceeded 125,000. Reo sought to create a work environment that stressed family. You'll see photos of trucks with a variety of body types, including buses and a few military trucks. All sizes of trucks are covered, from half tons all the way up to heavy duty models. Although cover states that it goes through 1966, this book covers the story of Reo Trucks through archival photographs from 1910 to the time when the White Motor Company purchased Reo in 1957. Buy now to own this fascinating photo-history.
Robert Gabrick
"Reo Trucks 1910-1966 Photo Archive"
8.25 x 10.15 x 0.33 inches
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