These bulletins contain repair information not found in shop manuals or parts books. They contain parts & repair changes that mechanics found that they needed after the shop manual was printed, and mid-year changes that aren't accounted for in other books. Some bulletins explain how to install a particular part. Others explain how to perform adjustments. You’ll find out how to fix common problems that have come up. Most cover mechanical repairs, but a few also show body work. Some cover parts updates. They explain how a new part will be used from a certain point onward, and also sometimes how the new part may be applied to earlier models. In the back is a booklet for starting, lighting, and ignition equipment on T6 and U6 cars. It describes care, maintenance, repair, and lubrication of the electrical system.
These bulletins were originally published about 1920-1924. They cover Reo models from 1910-1926, including R, J, M, N T, U, T6 and U6 (Series A & B), F trucks, and Speedwagons. Some models are covered more thoroughly than others. About a quarter of the bulletins apply to Model F trucks and a quarter apply to Speedwagons. About half of them apply to T6 and U6 models. Earlier models (R, J, M, N, T, and U) are covered less thoroughly with only 10-15% of bulletins applying. Please see the table of contents so you can understand which topics are covered for your particular model.
The majority of the bulletins are illustrated. Bulletin numbers 56 and 57 are missing from my original and are not included here. Buy now to own this hard-to-find information.