1941 Cadillac Service Bulletins Reprint

Price: $30.00
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p>This manual is a licensed reproduction of a set of the Serviceman bulletins printed by Cadillac to help mechanics at the dealer repair cars. If you've got the factory shop manual for your Cadillac, you've only got half the story – this set has repair instructions that mechanics found that they needed after the shop manual was printed, and mid-year changes that aren't accounted for in the shop manual. There is parts and service info for accessories, body, brakes, transmission, engine, cooling system, electrical, lubrication, suspension, steering, tools, and more. Buy now to own this hard-to-find service information.
There are too many topics to list them all, but here's a sampling:
  • starting serial numbers
  • automatic heating system
  • eliminating electric shocks from the horn ring
  • installing wheel shields
  • properly securing the lettering on the hood
  • hood hinges and latch
  • shop manual revisions and corrections
  • proper methods of upholstery cleaning
  • installing a manual dome light switch
  • door weatherstripping
  • clutches
  • images of factory literature, such as the lubrication agreement, accessory data book, radio manual, dealership signs, sales brochures, and Hydra-Matic books
Faxon Auto Literature
"1941 The Cadillac Serviceman Factory Service Bulletins"
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.21 inches
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