A whole range of accessories are covered in "Vintage Volkswagen Beetle Accessories" authored by veteran VW historian Stephan Szantai. Included are accessories for dressing up the exterior of the car, such as vented windows, bumpers and guards, turn-signal technology, add-on lighting, mirrors, etc. You'll see interior accessories, such as radios, ashtrays, gloveboxes, gauges, and clocks. No accessories book would be complete without engine accessories, covering both dress-up options and functional performance parts. Travel accessories, such as roof racks, coolers, extended gas tanks, tail racks, and coffee makers are detailed. Wheels are also covered. Of course, a history of the Beetle is detailed, as well as the companies that formed the accessory aftermarket. You'll see 317 color pictures of vintage ads as well as decked out bugs.
Join the fun and nostalgic romp through VW accessory history with this new title that features everything cool about customizing your VW.