How to Rebuild & Modify GM Turbo 350 Transmissions

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Respected automotive technical author Cliff Ruggles guides you through the complex rebuild procedure of GM's popular rear-wheel-drive automatic transmission. With his proven style, Ruggles goes through the step-by-step rebuild and performance upgrade procedures in a series of full-color photos. You'll see instruction on removal and installation, tear-down procedures, parts inspection and replacement, as well as performance mods and shift kit installation. Get time-saving tips as part of every buildup. Automatic transmissions are a mystery to most. Even if you end up deciding to have a professional take care of your transmission repair and performance needs, the information in this book is crucial to understanding how the power gets from the engine to the road. With this book, however, if you want to , you really can do the work at home by yourself. Includes 563 color photos and charts. Buy now to find out how to work on your transmission
Cliff Ruggles
"GM Turbo 350 Transmissions How to Rebuild & Modify"
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.25 inches
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