After a factory manual, a Haynes is the next best thing because they actually tear down and rebuild a vehicle when writing each book, all while avoiding expensive specialized tools. And you get wiring diagrams!
Get To Know Your Vehicle A Little Better
The clear, step-by-step illustrated instructions cover the dismantling,
inspection, repair and refitting of the engine, cooling system, fuel and
emission control systems, exhaust, ignition system, clutch, gearbox,
propeller shaft or drive shafts, braking system, electrical system,
suspension, steering, bodywork and fittings. Routine maintenance,
complete specifications and detailed fault diagnosis procedures are also
Only Haynes completely strip and rebuild the vehicle for each manual. Where applicable the removal, refitting and faulty diagnosis procedures only are covered for rear axle differential units and automatic transmissions.
Saving You Money from Start To Finish
Whether you just want to change your oil or replace your plugs, or
change your clutch or rebuild your gearbox, the Haynes manual will show
you how, and can help you save money on servicing and repair bills.
Helping You Make Things Go A Little Further
A Haynes manual can help you stretch your motoring budget that little
bit further in other ways too. Regular maintenance and servicing will
mean that your vehicle is safer to drive whilst giving you more of those
precious mpg. What’s more, a vehicle well looked after will hold its
price better and last a lot longer!
Buy now to find out how to work on your vehicle.
Haynes, J. H.
Ford Cortina Mkii 1966-1970 (Haynes Owners Workshop Manual Series, No 014)
10.65 x 8.25 x 0.60 inches
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