1969 Buick Assembly Manual Reprint Riviera LeSabre Electra Wildcat Looseleaf

Price: $32.00
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This is a reproduction of the manual that was used on the GM assembly line to help put the car together. It shows exploded views of most every mechanical part of the car, and includes part group numbers. Use this manual to help you disassemble or reassemble parts of your car, and or to help identify parts that may be missing or incorrect. Like all assembly manuals, this is reproduced from a book made for use inside the factory, and never intended for the public. Therefore, the print (like the print in original assembly manuals) is occasionally light.  The manual comes with a money-back guarantee for the price of the book. About a ½" thick stack of unbound pages, 3 hole punched so they're ready for your binder. New condition. Buy now to own this useful manual.
"1969 Full size Buick & Riviera Assembly Manual."
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.58 inches
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