CD of The real CORVETTE A Year-by-Year History 1953-1975 by Ray Miller

Price: $25.00
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by Ray Miller. This CD contains the authoritative Corvette history. You'll see a year-by-year breakdown of the changes in the cars from 1953-1975, with a chapter devoted to each year. The CD shows you how to identify significant features and design characteristics of the cars. It presents the history of the Corvette in a stunning array of nearly 1000 photographs, with illustrations, diagrams, production figures, specifications and more taken from original Chevy sources. In addition to a study of the overall appearance, much attention has been given to study of the ‘details' such as the wheel covers, chrome trim, instruments, accessories, and more. This CD includes the same info as the 320 page book, and actually contains images of the pages. Mostly black & white photos with a few color pictures. The CD is in PDF format, which uses the Acrobat Reader (you can download it free if you don't have it already). System Requirements: Windows 98 or above operating system, or MAC. Buy now to own the definitive resource for any Corvette lover. Covers all Chevrolet Corvettes from 1953-1975.
"The real CORVETTE An Illustrated History of Chevrolet's Sports Car"
Lincoln Publishing
5.00 x 5.50 x 0.37 inches
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