Condition Price  
Very Good $34.00
Good $29.00
Fair $24.00
"1991 Light Duty Truck P Models Electrical Diagrams and Diagnosis manual" Written for GMC dealership mechanics, this factory-published original wiring diagram shows you how to follow the wiring from bumper-to-bumper. It will help you understand connector configurations, and locate and identify circuits, relays, and grounds. You will not find these wiring diagrams in the factory shop manual. Wiring diagrams are black and white, but they frequently have color codes printed on each line of the diagram that represents a wire. It is a set of loose-leaf sheets. This manual covers the class A forward control motorhomes chassis, which is called a P3 or P3500. This manual covers the part of the motorhome manufactured by GMC and will not cover motorhome bodies. This book has 72 pages and measures 17.25" x 11" Buy now for the best electrical information available.
"1991 Light Duty Truck P Models Electrical Diagrams and Diagnosis manual"
This item is original.
11.00 x 17.25 x 0.50 inches
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