1984-1987 Jeep Manual Transmission Overhaul Reprint BV AX 4/5 Cherokee Wagoneer Comanche

Price: $20.00
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Written for dealership mechanics, this reprint of the factory manual shows you how to work on your transmission. This overhaul manual contains instructions on how to completely disassemble, refurbish, and reassemble the transmission after it is removed from the vehicle. This is sometimes referred to as 'benchwork'. With step-by-step instructions, clear pictures, exploded view illustrations, schematics, and specifications, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. Buy now to own the best manual for your transmission.
Jeep 1989-to-date
"B.V. AX 4/5 Includes I.S, Note 1E & 2E AMC Jeep"
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This item is original.
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.19 inches
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