This factory assembly manual is reprinted from a more complete version than has been available before - it is compiled from three different originals to have more pages and more revised information than previously available versions. This reprinted manual gives you assembly illustrations down to the last nut, bolt and screw. It shows exploded views of the car, and includes part group numbers. Use this manual to help you disassemble or reassemble parts of your car, and or to help identify parts that may be missing or incorrect. The book contains production and regular production option information. That means that you get information on the base model all the way up to "fully loaded." You will find illustrations for body mounting, frame, front & rear suspension, brakes, fuel & exhaust, steering, wheels & tires, sheet metal, electrical, radiator & grille, bumpers, and much more. You'll see illustrations for installing the engine & transmission into the car, but the book does not show the inside of these components. You will also find accessories and options such as the radio & speakers, heater, power lift windows, and much more. There are exploded views and illustrations on just about every page, with wiring diagrams, torque specifications, and handwritten revision records. New condition. Paperback binding. Go on and tear that car apart! This book will help you put it back together.
Faxon Auto Literature
"1980 Camaro Factory Assembly Manual"
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
10.75 x 8.30 x 1.30 inches
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