1967 MoPar Parts Book Reprint 2 Volume Set

Price: $89.00
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This reprinted 2 volume set is your ultimate resource for original part numbers with illustrations for 1967 model MoPar cars. It is a reproduction of the book your dealer would have used to order parts. You will find original MoPar part numbers and illustrations. You will also see exploded view illustrations, exterior/interior color combinations, trim packages, group & part numbers, and most of the standard hardware (nuts and bolts). You can use this book to help you find parts today because most parts vendors still use Mopar's original part numbers to keep track of their parts. You can also identify if the parts you are buying are original and complete; if you're missing parts, you can use the book to see what you should have. The book set has 1498 pages and is in NEW condition. Covers 1967 Mopar models including Plymouth, Dodge car, Chrysler, and Imperial. Buy now to own this useful catalog.
"1967 Chrysler Parts Passenger Car Parts Catalog" 2 Volume Set
This item is original.
11.00 x 8.50 x 3.50 inches
816900725 REPRINT
Average rating 10 out of 10 ( based on 1 review )

1967 Chrysler [Mopar] Passenger Car Parts Catalog

Review by RJ on 10/7/2012

I just had my birthday. I just got a copy of the 1967 Chrysler [Mopar] Passenger Car Parts Catalog from Faxon as a present. It is made up of 1498 pages in two volumes. Separating it into two bound volumes is just about perfect. I am overwhelmed by the quality. They look like they just came from the Chrysler factory. - This is so much nicer than what was offered at some other places at similar prices. I think that some of them are offering this catalog as 1498 loose pages that you must hole punch and put into a large loose-leaf notebook. Also their quality seemed fishy.

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