This factory information shows you how to repair your vehicle's hideaway headlights. You may have the shop manuals for the Riviera, but noticed that the hidden headlights are not covered. Buick produced a series of bulletins explaining how to work on the headlight clam shell covers, and we have collected them together here in one book. You'll find instructions for checking for proper operation, troubleshooting visors that aren't closing, checking for a defective relay, manual operation of the visors, auxiliary relay kit to add to upgrade the system, and instructions released in June of 1965 for modifying existing systems so that they will work better. With step-by-step instructions, clear pictures, exploded view illustrations, schematics, and specifications, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there.
Why buy a factory manual?
Fix it right the first time with the factory repair manual and save money by doing the job yourself. Factory experts prepare these manuals for their dealership service departments, so they're the most complete and specific source of repair techniques. Repair manuals are also called shop manuals, maintenance manuals, service manuals, or technical information manuals.