This high quality, licensed reprint book is your ultimate resource for original part numbers with illustrations for early model Pontiacs. It is a reproduction of the book your Pontiac dealer would have used to order parts. You will find original Pontiac part numbers and illustrations. You will also see exploded view illustrations, exterior/interior color combinations, trim packages, group & part numbers, most of the standard hardware (nuts and bolts), and each part's applicable year. You can use this book to help you find parts today because most parts vendors still use Pontiac's original part numbers to keep track of their parts. You can also identify if the parts you are buying are original and complete; if you're missing parts, you can use the book to see what you should have. Buy now to own this useful catalog.
"1961-62 Pontiac and Tempest Master Parts and Accessories Catalog"
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 1.30 inches
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