This is a high quality color reprint of the original Dealer's factory sales literature for the Ford Select-O-Speed Tractors. This colorful brochure opens up to poster-like size. Inside you'll find an explanation and description of the Select-O-Speed transmission and how it's used, as well as pictures of all of the models. The brochure displays all the 1957 Ford Select-O-Speed models, including the Powermasters (871, 881, 971, 981}, Workmasters (681, 671), Ford Diesels (671-D, 681-D, 871-D, 881-D, 971-D, 981-D), and the Industrial (1871 Diesel, 1871 w/Super-Duty Loader, 1881 w/Backhoe) models. The brochure is made from one that was originally printed in 1959. Buy now to own this Ford factory info on your tractor.
NOW! Shift to any speed on the GO!
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