1946-1954 Ferguson TE-20 TO-20 TO-30 Tractor Repair Shop Manual Reprint

Price: $28.00
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This is a reproduction of the manual that Ferguson dealer mechanics used to service Ferguson tractors. You will find detailed instructions for working on engines, electrical, transmission, brakes, hydraulic pumps and much, much more. There are pictures on nearly every page to help you with every job. Covers all 1946-1954 Ferguson TE-20, TO-20, & TO-30 Tractors. Over 187 pages. NEW condition!  Buy now to own the best manual for your Ferguson.
"Ferguson Dealer Shop Manual Covering TE-20, TO-20, & TO-30 Tractors"
Ferguson Tractor
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.38 inches
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