"Your La Salle." This is a reproduction of the manual that was issued with all 1939 Cadillac La Salles. You will find out how to operate the instruments & controls such as the seat adjustment, rear view mirror, gasoline gauge, ammeter, oil pressure gauge, temperature indicator, clock, transmission control, lighting controls, locks, and keys, door locks, ventilation, Sunshine Turret Top, and radio. There are also instructions for cold weather operation, starting the engine, service information, and suggestions for safer driving. In the rear of the book, you will find sections containing detailed information and diagrams on lubrication, license data, and maintenance suggestions for the body, engine, cooling system, anti-freeze, tools, wheels & tires, electrical, lamp bulbs, and directions on storing the car. Covers the 1939 Cadillac La Salle V-8 model. The manual measures 5.25" x 8.25", has 56 pages, and is in BRAND NEW CONDITION! This hard-to-find reprint is no longer being made. Buy now to give your Caddy that "cherry" look-right down to the owner's manual.
"Your La Salle."
This item is a reproduction
8.25 x 5.25 x 0.25 inches
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