1926-1941 Fisher Body Repair Shop Manuals on CD-ROM

Price: $30.00
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This is a reproduction of the manuals written by Fisher for use at GM dealerships. Find out how to work on the body of your car with repair instructions which are different from what you will find in your shop manual. The book is packed with illustrations of the cars you will find page after page of exploded and cutaway views showing the body's construction, including the wood framework, the points where the metal panels are welded, and what the interior looks like without panels or headlining. Find out how to remove, install, and work on hardware & trim, seats & the metal framework below them, headliners, roof coverings, locks, arm rests, handles, glass, vents, moldings, and hinges. Learn how to make adjustments, and eliminate leaks.

Books on the CD include:   1926-1932:  155 pages, 1933-1934:  48 pages, 1935-1936:  81 pages, 1937-1938:  134 pages, 1939-1940: 140-page, and 1941: 134 pages.

Buy now to own the best body manual for your car on CD.

1926-1941 Fisher Body Service & Construction Manuals 6 Volumes
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
5.60 x 5.00 x 0.35 inches
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