1914-1946 Chrysler Engine and Suspension Parts Interchange Manual Reprint Dodge Plymouth De Soto

Price: $19.00
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This is a reprint of a book written by Thompson in the 1940s that shows which Chrysler, De Soto, Dodge, and Plymouth parts egine and suspension parts interchange with one another. The listings are arranged by part numbers. You will see original parts numbers which are still useful because many current parts vendors still use them (you'll also see the Thompson number, which you don't need).  You can use this book to save money by purchasing less expensive parts, or you can use it to find substitutes for those parts that are impossible to locate.  

For each type of part, you'll see an original part number.  With that number are grouped all the vehicles that share the part.  The vehicles are named by Chrysler's model designation rather than with a year and a name.  For example, the book says a part applies to D17, rather than a 1940 Dodge car.  You can find these model designations decoded in the "1914-1950 MoPar Model Chart and Serial Number Guide," which we also have for sale.  This book is a list of part numbers and model codes; there are no pictures.  See the sample image.

Order now for this handy part reference.

Parts with interchanges listed in the book include:

  • Valves, valve guides, valve seats
  • Valve springs and retainers
  • connecting rod bearings
  • main bearings
  • camshaft bearings
  • pistons
  • piston pins and bushings
  • water pumps and parts
  • king bolt assemblies, king bolts, and bushings
  • tie rod sockets
  • intermediate rods
  • spring bolts and bushings
  • knuckle support assemblies, pins, and parts
  • spring shackles and parts
"Interchangeable List of Parts for 1914-1946 Chrysler - Dodge - Desoto - Plymouth and Dodge Trucks"
Faxon Auto Literature
This item is a reproduction
10.85 x 8.40 x 0.10 inches
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