1914-1927 Dodge Bros. & Graham Bros. Repair Shop Manual Reprint

Price: $31.00
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This is a reproduction of the manual Dodge dealer mechanics used to repair 1914 through1927 model year vehicles. You will find step-by-step illustrated repair instructions on axles, body, brakes, clutch, cooling system, electrical equipment, engine, exhaust system, frame, springs, carburetor, fuel & vacuum tanks, lubrication, steering gear, transmission, universal joints, wheels, and specifications. With the step-by-step illustrated instructions, specifications, and diagrams in this manual, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. This shop manual is in new condition. Buy now to own the best manual for your vehicle.
Faxon Auto Literature
"Mechanics' Instruction Manual 1914-1927 Dodge Brothers Motor Cars and Graham Brothers Trucks."
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This item is original.
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.51 inches
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